Education and Culture

Children are the future leaders of our communities and it is paramount that we contribute to their success.

We support school programs and initiatives aimed at developing skills and knowledge in science, technology, reading comprehension and development to reinforce their professional future.

Participation in educational projects

Kipi, the little robot

We suppot this technological project created by school teacher, Walter Velásquez, to bring the “Aprendo en Casa” program to the communities of Colcabamba and Andaymarca in Huancavelica.Following our educational commitment, we provide infrastructure and materials to get an improved version of little Kipi.

Teachers’ Training

We strengthen the teaching abilities of the teachers.

In coordination with Local Management Units (UGEL, in Spanish) we work with specialists in teaching matters to reinforce the skills of the teachers within our areas of influence.

Promoting Reading Habits

We acknowledge the importance of reading during the school years.

We work in alliance with Public institutions, specialists in reading, among others to promote the habit of reading and to improve reading comprehension indicators in our communities.

School for Parents

We encourage the involvement of parents in the education of their families.

We work with specialists who develop workshops aimed at parents in order to involve them in their children’s development, as well as to encourage them to improve family relationships.
